Document Destruction
Whether you need to destroy 10 folders or 100 tons, we have a solution for you. Customized, secure and confidential document destruction.
Deheini: Your reliable provider for data carrier destruction in Switzerland
Deheini is a company that disposes and destroys data carriers across Switzerland according to standardized security standards. We understand how important it is to protect your information and take our responsibility for it very seriously.
Our services are tailored to your specific needs and include both one-time document destruction and recurring services. No job is too big or too small for us - we are able to handle projects of any size, from a few boxes of documents to a truckload. We also offer the option to destroy documents on site to make the process as convenient for you as possible.
We take care of your property
Rufen Sie uns an unter 044 505 66 86 oder starten Sie eine Anfrage.
Data protection through document destruction: Why it is important to protect confidential information
Customer satisfaction is our top priority and we are confident you will be satisfied with our work.
There are two important reasons for destroying documents in an office environment: to protect the privacy of your customers and to prevent fraud. Privacy is important to everyone and when you handle the personal data of others, you are obligated to treat it confidentially. By shredding documents, you can ensure that no one who is not authorized can access this information.
Frequently Asked
Was ist Deheini?
Welche Dienstleistungen bietet Deheini an?
Wie sicher sind die von Deheini angebotenen Datenträgervernichtungsdienste?
Können Sie Datenträger jeglicher Grösse vernichten?
Bieten Sie auch Dokumentenvernichtung vor Ort an?
Warum ist die Vernichtung von Dokumenten wichtig?
Wie kann die Vernichtung von Dokumenten den Schutz der Privatsphäre gewährleisten?
Wie kann die Vernichtung von Dokumenten Betrug verhindern?
Warum ist die professionelle Vernichtung von Dokumenten für jedes Unternehmen wichtig?
Wie kann ich mehr über Deheini und deren Dienstleistungen erfahren?